Unicorn.UI.Win is a library that provides a set of tools for testing windows user interfaces. It is built on top of Microsoft UI Automation and provides a higher-level API for interacting Windows GUI.
The package contains:
- GUI Driver implementation
- Typified controls implementations
- PageObject implementation
- UI actions
- User input clients (mouse, keyboard)
PageObject example
public class TestAppWindow : Window
public TestAppWindow()
public TestAppWindow(IUIAutomationElement instance)
: base(instance)
// Control of any type derived from WebControl could be a part of page object.
// Controls implementing predefined controls interfaces allow to apply type specific matchers
// to make tests and assertions easier and more readable.
[Name("'Switch app' button"), ById("switchAppButton")]
public Button SwitchAppToggle { get; set; }
// Controls could be located using generic FindAttribute.
[Name("'Hello World' view"), [Find(Using.Id, "HelloWorldView")]
public HelloWorldView HelloWorldView { get; set; }
// Name attribute allows control to be self-reportable in combination with matchers
// and to be logged with scpecified name
[Name("'Hello World' view"), ById("SampleView")]
public SamplesView SamplesView { get; set; }
[Name("Modal window"), ByClass("#32770")]
public ModalWindow Modal { get; set; }
Custom application
// Describes desktop application (TestWindowsApp application).
// should inherit Application.
public class TestWindowsApp : Application
// Application constructor. Calls base constructor with path to application and application executable name.
public TestWindowsApp() : base("", "path_to_application")
// main application window
public TestAppWindow Window { get; private set; }
public override void Start()
// Application.Start starts app by path provided in constructor and stores Process info
IUIAutomationElement element = null;
// Initializing built-in waiter
DefaultWait wait = new DefaultWait(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(250));
// And wait until window with process window handle is found
wait.Until(() =>
element = WinDriver.Instance.Driver.ElementFromHandle(Process.MainWindowHandle);
return true;
Window = new TestAppWindow(element);