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V4 of TAF Core has some breaking changes that will require modifications to your existing codebase. This guide will help you understand the changes and how to migrate your code to TAF v4.


Updated Packages dependencies: Updated framework packages dependencies to the latest versions. Updated supported target frameworks: all packages now target netstandard2.0 which means minimal supported .net framework version now is net462.


Breaking Changes

  1. Obsolete code removal: Removed legacy Logger, TrxCrteator, IsPositiveMatcher

  2. API Changes: Some of the API methods have been changed in part of taf events. You will need to update your code to use the new API methods.

Migration Steps

  1. Update Code: Update your code to use the new API methods.
    • Replace Unicorn.Taf.Core.Logging.Logger with Unicorn.Taf.Core.Logging.ULog (see documentation).
    • TrxCreator is no longer used. dotnet test trx generation abilities could be used instead.
    • IsPositiveMatcher could be replaced with IsGreaterThanMatcher
    • Update references to TAF events for steps, suites, tests and fixtures. Now all framework events are located in single class Unicorn.Taf.Core.TafEvents.
  2. Update your dependencies: Update versions of all used unicorn packages in your *.csproj files. (see section V4 packages support)

  3. Optionally could be removed inheritance of test suite classes from TestSuite. It’s not longer necessary.


Breaking Changes

  1. API Changes: Some of the API methods have been changed for Screenshotters and ImplicitWait timeouts handling. You will need to update your code to use the new API methods.

Migration Steps

  1. Update Code: Update your code to use the new API methods.
    • Replace ScribeToTafEvents screenshotters method call with SubscribeToTafEvents.
    • Replace SetImplicitlyWait method call (inherited from UiSearchContext) with ImplicitWaitTimeout property setting.


Breaking Changes

  1. Packages Renaming: Reporting packages have been renamed. You will need to update your code to use the new package names.

  2. API Changes: Some of the API methods have been changed (reporters instances class names). You will need to update your code to use the new API methods.

Migration Steps

  1. Update your dependencies: Update your *.csproj files to use the new package names.
    • Replace Unicorn.ReportPortalAgent with Unicorn.Reporting.ReportPortal (version 4.x).
    • Replace Unicorn.AllureAgent with Unicorn.Reporting.Allure (version 3.x).
  2. Update your code: Update your code to use the new APIs.
    • Replace ReportPortalReporterInstance with ReportPortalReporter (see documentation).
    • Replace AllureReporterInstance with AllureReporter (see documentation)
    • For TestIT reporter replace ReporterInstance with TestItReporter

V4 packages support

Core V4 is supported by next unicorn packages versions: