Unicorn.TAF logo Unicorn.TAF

Unicorn is all-in-one test automation framework which provides wide spectrum of functionality out of box to start efficient test automation process in short terms.

Getting Started

Download example test project from GitHub and run it. The project covers majority of Unicorn features across different platforms:

With ability to use and switch between supported reporters: Allure, ReportPortal, TestIt

Feel free to contact dobriy88@yandex.ru with your feedback.

Please also refer to MIGRATION NOTES in case of update to Taf.Core 4.x from older versions.


Unit Tests

UI Support

Unicorn supports different GUI out of box including extended PageObject capabilities. Interaction with web content in browser based on Selenium WebDriver. Interaction with Windows native GUI based on Microsoft UI Automation. Interaction with web and native applications on Android devices based on Appium. Generic implementation used as a base for any specific GUI implementation. Rich collection of all-GUI matchers from the box.

API Support

Components Diagram

components diagram